Important artists
As Chop Top once said, music... is my life. After all, it's how I met my wife.
Steel Panther:
I bought Balls Out the day it was released. I remember taking the bus after school to a Rasputin record store... Ah, da good ol' days. I spent a good amount of high school and college drawing fanart of Steel Panther!
Of all places, Reddit was how I got into Steel Panther. Someone linked a video of Justin Hawkins playing with them, and I already liked The Darkness. I believe they were doing a cover of "Photograph" by Def Leppard, and going progressively higher into a dog-whistle squeal with the chorus.
I ain't gonna lie, Steel Panther and Metalocalypse heavily influenced my heavy metal ocs. I like the smooth-brained masculinity and stupid sexuality filtered through wigs and nail polish.
They're the main reason I joined Tumblr all those moons ago, to post fanart and save images of them! And they were the subject of my first zine... and my first DIY screenprinted shirt... being a groupie is ACTUALLY artistically sound.
I've seen them live close to 10 times overall. I saw Michael eat some weird food (like pretzels and yogurt or something) backstage once. Satchel asked if I had a boyfriend and I said YEAH Shane, he lives on a farm and I'm gonna MARRY him. Once I saw a show in San Francisco, then right the next day in Los Angeles so I could give them my screenprinted shirts lol.